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发布时间:2023-3-30  发布人:U团队


近日,广州海洋实验室唐丹玲团队在南海深海沉积物PH方面研究取得进展,相关成果以“Vertical distribution of pH in the top ~10 m of deep-ocean sediments: Analysis of a unique dataset”为题发表在国际学术期刊Frontiers in Marine Science上。论文第一作者为邵长高博士,唐丹玲教授为通讯作者。



研究在海洋学领域首次分析了在深海环境中沉积物10米(最深达11.9米)范围内的pH值,结合固体有机碳(OC)和CaCO3含量以及氧化/还原电位数据对其地球化学过程进行了讨论。论文收集了从2000年到2011年1157个沉积物岩芯样品并进行相关分析。获取的岩芯样品水深最高达3702米,样品分布总面积超过30万平方公里。研究发现:深海沉积物上层2米存在一个pH值显著下降层(对应年代值为过去20-40 ka,因此定义为一个地球化学过程相对活跃层位)。在更深、更老的沉积物(追溯到过去200 ka)中,pH值随深度变化减小。固体OC分析显示,在≤10 m的深度,OC一直处于氧化消耗的过程。这些数据显示在成岩过程中,沉积物地球化学反应和离子的垂直扩散之间的相互作用,前者引起了沉积物pH的垂直变化,后者则倾向于消除垂直变化。换句话说,在2米以下的沉积层中存在缓慢的地球化学成岩过程,这些原位过程的影响被离子扩散作用部分抵消。该研究确定了沉积物上部2m和下层直至≥10m之间先前未知的pH变化,并提出了地球化学成岩过程和离子扩散作用组合来解释这一变化。这些结果为进一步研究世界海洋沉积物顶部数米范围内的pH值提供了框架。

此前,唐丹玲研究团队已经就海洋沉积物pH相关研究在国际学术期刊《Progress in Oceanography》上发表了题为“Spatial variability of surface-sediment porewater pH and related water-column characteristics in deep waters of the northern South China Sea“的论文。本论文是对海洋沉积物pH进一步深入研究的成果。


论文全文:Shao C, Tang D*, Legendre L, Sui Y and Wang H (2023) Vertical distribution of pH in the top ~10 m of deep-ocean sediments: Analysis of a unique dataset. Front. Mar. Sci. 10:1126704. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1126704


论文PDF详见 NO.185:http://www.lingzis.com/journal%20article.htm 


Figure 2. Interpolated maps of sediment pH in the nSCS sediment. Spatial distributions of pH were obtained by natural neighbor interpolation based on (A) 1153 discrete subsurface samples, and (B) 1493 discrete intermediate samples (all values were projected onto a single horizontal plane); line L is oriented 30° to the NE, corresponding to the general direction of the continental slope, and goes through point O. (C) Positions of the 4055 pH data from all depths projected onto a single vertical plane along the continental slope on line L, and (D) depth distribution of pH along line L. The four regions are based on the contour line of subsurface-sediment pH = 7.5: south of Hainan Island (H), Pearl River plume and connected submarine canyon (P), area influenced by the western branch of the Kuroshio Intrusion Current (K), and southwest of the coast of Taiwan Island (T) (Shao et al., 2016).



FIGURE 9 Conceptual model of the factors that likely determined the depth and sediment age distributions of pH in the nSCS during the last 200 ka. Details are provided in the text.


版权所有 南海生态环境权益综合研究创新团队

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