Books / Editor in Chief:


9.隋广军、肖鹞飞(主编),唐丹玲、林丽(副主编),《海洋国际合作研究报告(2023)》蓝皮书,社会科学文献出版社,ISBN 978-7-5228-3274-6. 唐丹玲,周玮辰,分报告 B.2海洋生态环境保护国际合作报告 P30-57.


8.《Special Issue: Geological Environment in the South China Sea》2023,  Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. ISSN: 2096-5508 (Print), 2523-3521 (Online) 

7 《台风灾害评估与应急管理》2015  广东国际战略研究院智库丛书,科学出版社. ISBN 9787030447043

6 《Typhoon Impact and Crisis Management》2013  Springer. ISBN 978-3-642-40694-2



4.Advances in Climate Change and Environmental Research of Indian Ocean and South China Sea》 (2010)



3. Remote Sensing of The Changing Oceans(English), Springer(2010), Earth Sciences, ISBN 978-3-642- 16540-5




2. Remote Sensing of Environment and Disaster Monitoring & Management

《环境遥感灾害监测与危机管理》(English and Chinese) (2009)




1. Oceanic manifestation of global changes (English) (2008)  




