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  (News 3,4, Sep-Dec, 2006)

48 Professor Kawamura’s visit


Professor Kawamura (Tohoku University, japan) visited us in Nov 2, 2006. 

Talk: New Generation Sea Surface Temperature (NGSST) Research and Development

47. Dr. Lingzis participated PORSEC 2006 in Pushan, South Korea in Nov2006, give two presentations for the conference, chaired one session, and jointed “the International Workshop on Tsunami”.

SCSIO will host PPORSEC2008 in Guangzhou. (please see


46. Professor Lin Hui (Hong Kong Chinese University) visited us

Professor Lin Hui, the Direct of Center for Remote Sensing, Hong Kong Chinese University visited SCSIO in Sep 2006.

45.  Moon cake Party (Sep, 2006)

We had moon-cake parties in Sep 2006:



44, 唐丹玲博士获得王宽诚国际会议奖学金资助,参加第12届国际赤潮会议

Lingzis participated (12th International Conference on Harmful Algae in Denmark in Sep 2006, and gave two presentations: “Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in the South China Sea and their relations to marine and coastal environments” and “Ecological analysis of harmful algal blooms for the Bohai Sea area, China”. Please find photo on:, and


43. Celebrations for Dr. Sataya
who has just finished post-doc research in our lab. Oct 2006.



42. BBQ 野外烧烤

Our group had a BBQ in Sep 2006. Please find more photos on:

